Time for a picture that didn't need to be scanned. Just so the sales people know how hard we work during show setup, here are Eric and Paul busting their butts at Print '05.
This is at one of the two picnics that John Svinicki organized at Hudson Mills. That's my only shot of Wendy Darland there on the left, Karen Grant, Sue Ramseth, Scott and Regina and Gary Forszt leaning in front of Toby.
True, not a Xitron employee, but Dan Goldman did a lot for us. This is at Ifra in Amsterdam with a service engineer from the Triple-I offices in the UK.
Wendy did our marketing from about 1992 to 1995. She is either moving out of her office on Ellsworth or into the new one on Plaza Drive, so this is 1994.
That's Peter standing in the middle in 1990 when he worked at Harlequin. On the right is Dave Miller coaxing a Golfer out of our brand spanking new Protected Mode Dos RIP!
Jeff Brown in 1988, and I know because I took the picture. That's a CCI front-end on the left and a Xitron Image Processor (XIP) on the right. We're at a printer called Harlan in Cincinnati.
Here's Tom's right hand man for more years than either can probably remember. This guy was around when there was beer in the pop machine and they did shots of Cuervo at Friday staff meetings. We had the good fortune of having him around for a second stint in the late 90's.